When severe weather strikes, the vital services that we tend to take for granted become much harder to provide, and this is especially true when it comes to the more vulnerable members of our communities. Without support, there is every […] If you need to help someone, first you have to ...29/12/2021 in News tagged 4x4 Response UK / Newsletter / Volunteers
The annual Wild & Woolly Motocross race is a regular fixture in many people’s calendars, and is a major sporting event in the county. Over Christmas we received a request for support from the organisers. As the event is in […] Wild & Woolly 202129/12/2021 in News tagged Christmas / Events / Volunteers
It has been our biggest deployment ever since we were formed in 2008, and unusually for us there wasn’t a drop of snow in sight. As the country got to grips with what was about to become ‘normal’, our volunteers […] Op Covid19 – Review of 202030/12/2020 in News tagged Covid19 / Volunteers
On the evening of 23 December, we receive a call asking us to assist our colleagues at the Maritime Volunteer Service by transporting their boat and rescue equipment to an incident between Kettering and Corby. Four members of our water […] Christmas Floods 202029/12/2020 in News tagged Christmas / flooding / Volunteers / Water
Northamptonshire might be the only double land-locked county, but we still have a lot of water with various reservoirs, the River Nene and the Grand Union Canal. Recent winter storms across the country have led to widespread flooding causing communities […] Water Response Team19/02/2020 in News tagged DEFRA / flooding / Volunteers / Water